LCT Paintball’s Grenade Refilling Kit

Whether you are into woodsball or speedball, there are a lot of advantages to having a compact gun, but the one thing you don’t want to sacrifice is performance โ€“ enter the short Lapco Bigshot barrel for the Tippmann A-5. The A-5, taking it’s…

Scenario Enthusiast Communications Kit

Scenario Enthusiast Communications Kit

I will tell you up front that this review is going to be positive, but there is a legitimate reason for that. And it’s not because the product is being manufactured by a team mate and long time friend. It’s because the product is…

Playing Pump in a Semi-Automatic World

Playing Pump in a Semi-Automatic World

Pump Gun Tactics Playing with a pump gun can be fun and challenging. If you want to see my opinion on taking the pump gun challenge, read the “Why Play Pump?” page. If you’ve already decided on playing pump, stay right here and maybe…